Sunday, January 13, 2008

Allegory of the Cave - by Plato

The Allegory of a Cave is a short story told by Socrates and written by Plato. It discusses the question of truth, as well as the pain involved when truth is found. A quote by Walter Bagehot sums this idea up, "One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea."
The nameless character in the parable is forced, rather than called to the adventure. He is literally set free from his chains and then "forced suddenly to stand up, turn his head and walk with eyes lifted to the light; all these movements would be painful."
Only later in his journey does he choose to continue the adventure, due to his curiosity.
His trial is the process of learning the truth. The narrator of the story uses intensifying light to show the intensifying truth of the world. It goes from reflections in water, to looking at the light of the moon and stars, and finally the sun. Soon, the character understands that what he knew before he was set free, means nothing to what he knows now. The newly changed character decides to return to his cave to inform his former comrades of his newly gained knowledge, in an attempt to share his happiness. However, once he enters the cave he is unable to see in the old darkness. The ignorant others in the cave would "laugh at him and say that he had gone ... only to come back with his sight ruined." They do not understand his change and he can no longer associate with them as he used to.
The tale makes one think: what is your priority? Happiness or knowledge? Considering the phrase "ignorance is bliss" - and is that even true? Maybe one can be happy and knowledgeable at the same time? Personally, I feel that knowledge makes things more complicated and therefore more difficult to be truly satisfied.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I was not familier with this story before reading your post. It is a very orginal take on the assignment. Not trying to add more to my comment, but what you said about knowledge in the end of the post is an interesting thought i have had few times in the past