Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Symbols, Allegories, and Socialist Novels - these are a few of my favorite things

The religious theory is my absolute favorite genre. I enjoy interpreting symbolism so much that I went out one day to buy myself Penguin’s Dictionary of Symbols. It is a dictionary that discusses how different cultures interpret all sorts of objects as symbols. Most of the interpretations of a symbol are surprisingly similar between two seemingly very different cultures. Due to my fascination with symbolism, I also enjoy allegories tremendously. Allegories are stories with a message. This message can only be understood if its symbolism is correctly analyzed. Most allegorical stories I have read so far have discussed the coming of age, often with the use of a light/dark dichotomy. However, my favorite allegory is by Heinrich Boehl, which discusses socialism versus capitalism.

This leads to my second favorite: the socialist novel. Novels such as 1984, or The Jungle inspire me, yet depress me terribly. Although they are depressing and frustrating, these novels have been one of the reasons why I have decided to become a teacher. I am hoping to discuss these social issues with my own students some day in hope to inspire some of them to action and social change. I myself have been convinced by social justice novels, and have a dim feeling that social justice can be done, at least in a class-room or a home.

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