Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Inter-racial and Same-Sex Marriage

The caricature of President Bush in the Lincoln memorial closely relates to the theme of Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird. In Scout's society the idea of interracial marriage was unthinkable. If whites and blacks chose to marry, like Mr. Raymond, they were outcasts of the community and it would be that way for their children, and their children. Scout's community made it a sin for a white person to marry a black man or woman. And so it is similar for gay couples today. Even in a city like San Fransisco, where there is a large gay community, it is difficult for gays to stand to their feelings, or "come out of the closet." Many people loose their jobs once it is clear that they are gay or have a same-sex partner. Only a few states allow same-sex civil union, and even fewer conduct same-sex marriages. San Fransisco, surprisingly, does neither.

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